Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I thought I would post some of the photos I took at our recent reunion. It was so fun to see everyone again and even meet some for the first time!
(Warning: these shots are all very candid!)

Thank you for the wonderful displays of the family. It was neat to see everyone young again!

The kids always know to look forward to coins in the sawdust!

"Grandma Isom"
to the tune of Scripture Power
Because we'd like to honor our sweet Grandma Isom,
She grew up in dear Grafton, then moved to Hurricane.
She married Leonard Isom for time and eternity,
then raised 6 wonderful children, although she bore 13.
Grandma Isom, you're good at many things.
Grandma Isom, it's to you this song we sing.
Grandma Isom, we all miss you so.
With love to you from your posterity.

Lizzie's Life

I hope you all had a chance to see Christine's photo album-she is a fabulous cake artist!

These were taken outside of the home that Grandma Isom's father took down in Grafton, numbered the boards and re-built in Hurricane.

Terry, Jennifer & Christine

Hurricane Canal


Grandma Isom's parent's graves in the Grafton Cemetary

The "Ballard Row" in the Grafton Cemetary

These were taken at the Hurricane Cemetary

Rockville Cemetary

These are the graves of Grandma & Grandpa Isom's other children in the Hurricane Cemetary

Grandma & Grandpa Isom's graves in the Hurricane Cemetary
Thank you for putting this reunion together-it was wonderful!
* * *
I'm not sure if this is the best way for us to stay in touch, but it is a start. Everyone can contribute on an on-going basis. Just email me your info and I'll make it so you can post whenever you want. We can have this be as informal as you want. I think it can be a really great way to get to know our family.


The Guymon Gang said...

Tammy- What a great idea! (We should do this for our family, too:) You're so on top of it all.

We had fun getting to know our extended family and learning more about Grandma and Grandpa Isom and our "roots". I was so impressed that you all traveled so far to attend...I hope it was worth your time.

Thanks Aunt Jeanenne & Uncle Walt for organizing everything and feeding us all so well:) And thanks to Connie and Mark for the display table...I enjoyed seeing all the pictures, etc. and reminising, too.


Kylee said...

love this. Love you.

Anonymous said...

You did a reat job setting this up.We agree with what Kim has said. Love you very much.

Mom & Dad